@Sunset_Speedway • (July 28, 2015)- It hard to believe that the 2015 race season is already half over. As we go into to the final months of the summer and then fall the #1 and #22 cars have competed well, and are excited to see how the remaining weeks will unfold.
Both cars and drivers have been competing strong, in their divisions over the past month, with the #1 sitting in 17th position after being moved out of the Mighty Mini division to Mini Stocks last month, and the #22 car sitting in 12th position in the mighty mini division.
The most exciting news is Chandler receiving his first checker flag July 25 at Sunset Speedway.
"In only his 12th night of racing his own car Chandler has won his first checker of many, We are proud to watch him rebuild his car, learn the feeling he wants on the track, absorbing the advice offered by other drivers, and adjusting to on track wrecks and part failures. Chandler has remained focused on the main goal of having fun while representing our Partners" says proud Poppa ,Daytona Bob Phinnemore.
As a whole we are all proud of Chandler in watching the progress he has made and will make over this season.
Gary Reynolds Memorial night started our month, both cars competing in a special event at Sunset Speedway . The cars ran in the same division, and finish the night well, stacking up mid pack with the more faster, competitive racers. From there we ventured to Peterborough speedway, to see how the cars would run, in preparation for the Autumn Colors show, closer to Thanksgiving. Chandler again having mechanical problems and was unable to compete, however Bob had a great run , with a tops 10 finish.
With the season half over the cars are looking raced, with a few war wounds, yet we still continue to support our Partners in different events away from the speedways.
We look forward to the Sunflower Festival in Sundridge,August 8th , supporting and promoting our Northern Partners , and bringing awareness to their businesses. Mac Lang, Promo Sport Depot , and RockScape Design, have been a great addition to our program this years, and again we Thank You.
As we look ahead we are excited to again Support the Mikey Network, raising funds and awareness to place AEDs in as many locations in Ontario as possible. Sunday September 28, at Sunset Speedway, we will again have our Team selling 50/50 tickets and having other fun events to again raise funds. We hope to go over and above our last monies raised of $4000. With your help we can do this !
It is at this time of the season that we start to look ahead to the next year, 2016 is to be more exciting as we already had different things in place, kicking off the season with Motorama 2016 –Toronto International Centre in March. We are also looking at our cars and equipment, and have a few different things up our sleeves, so STAY TUNED !
Again we Thanks you all for your involvement in making the Mustard Seed Race Program what it is. Without our great partners we would be very limited on what we can do.
We are reminded daily that it is not always how we START but how we FINISH that makes the difference .
From: Kimberley Bos [mailto:mustardseedracing@gmail.com]