@Lucas_Oil • @CanAmMidgets •The Lucas Oil Can-Am Midgets, having just successfully completed their 50th Anniversary season, are proud to announce the return of Lucas Oil as the 'Series Sponsor' in 2016.
President Ken Lorenz said, "I am honored to announce the continuation of Lucas Oil as our 'Series Sponsor' for 2016. This will be our 12th year of 'partnership' with an outstanding organization that supports our weekly racing series and knows the importance of 'family' as in our 'Racing Family'. We are very proud to continue to race under the Lucas Oil name."
In making this announcement, Tom Bogner, Director Motorsports for Lucas Oil, said "We are very proud to be returning after 11 successful years of great racing. We have all survived some tough economic times in Motorsports over the 11 years for sure. Midget racing is an exciting sport to watch live and has always been one of my favorite race venues, whether it is spec engines or full on Esslinger 400 HP screaming engines. Can-Am has been very loyal to our Lucas Oil brand and we are looking forward to many more years. I would like to thank all the racers who support the series and continue to provide exciting and competitive racing for all the fans."
Also being released is the Lucas Oil Can-Am Midget 2016 schedule. This traveling series will visit seven different tracks from early May until then end of September. The 51st season begins at Flamboro Speedway on Saturday, May 14th and ends on Saturday, September 24th at the 'Fall Velocity' race at Sunset Speedway. One of the highlights of the year will be on June 11th as the Lucas Oil Can-Am Midgets share the schedule with the Race of Champions Asphalt Modified Series at Lake Erie Speedway in Erie, PA.
May 1st...Practice/Tech Day...Sunset Speedway
May 14...Flamboro Speedway
May 21...Sunset Speedway (Spring Velocity)
June 11..Lake Erie Speedway (w/Race of Champions Asphalt Modified Series) RAIN DATE...Sunday
June 18..Flamboro Speedway
June 25..Peterborough Speedway
July 1.....Sauble Speedway (Canada Day)
July 2.....Sauble Speedway
July 9.....Sunset Speedway
July 16...Grand Bend Speedway...RAIN DATE...Sunday
July 30...Sauble Speedway
July 31...Sauble Speedway
Aug 6.....Flamboro Speedway
Aug 20...Sunset Speedway
Sept 3....Sauble Speedway
Sept 10..Full Throttle Speedway
Sept 17..Flamboro Speedway
Sept 24..Sunset Speedway (Fall Velocity)
Word is out of a strong number of new drivers and cars getting ready for 2016 and returning veterans stepping up their game to try to capture the Championship in 'Year 51'. Mack DeMan will return to try to make it '4 in a row' but he expects some strong competition in this heavily talented roster. For more information on the Lucas Oil Can-Am Midgets, go to their website... http://www.canammidgets.com/
Contact: Cindy Lorenz at clorenz74@yahoo.com for more information