PORT COLBORNE, ONTARIO... (April 30, 2017) The 2nd Annual Dawn of Destruction presented by ATTAR Metals at the Humberstone Speedway has been rescheduled for Sunday May 7th due to rain and cold temperatures throughout the day.
“Unfortunately we remained hopeful but due to persistent rain showers and cool temperatures throughout the day, we have rescheduled the Dawn of Destruction for next Sunday May 7th” stated Humberstone Speedway Race Director Tom Beales. “Times will be the same” Beales added with the pit gates opening at 10:00am, the grandstands opening at 11:00am and the action will start at 1:00pm.
The 2nd annual Construction Crush Off will feature Darren Peters from Peters Excavating, Dave Walters from Walters Excavating and a representative from ATTAR Metals will be crushing everything you could possibly think of for the fans. Also in competition will be a $1000 to win Enduro that will be broken into four stages. Also on the card will be Enduro Cross, Ladies Race, Flag Pole Race, Side By Side Race and more.
The 58th season opener presented by Country 89 will take place on Sunday May 21st with race number one for the BEI Lightning Series for the Sportsman plus a full card of RUSH Late Models, Street Stocks, Mini Stocks, Pro 4 Trucks and a 4 Cylinder Demolition Derby. Come at 3:00pm for a pre-race Tail Gate Party featuring a Motorcycle Show and Kids Power Wheel Races. “M” license holders will receive discounted admission. Racing will begin at 6:30pm sharp. For more information, log online to www.humberstonespeedway.com or follow us on Social Media.
Humberstone Speedway is located just two miles East of Port Colborne on Highway 3, just 17 miles west of the US/Canadian Border at the Peace Bridge (Buffalo/Fort Erie). For more information, please visit us on the World Wide Web at www.humberstonespeedway.com as well as liking us on Facebook by searching NewHumberstoneSpeedway, following us on Twitter @NewHumberstone and Instagram @HumberstoneSpeedway Don’t forget to bring your portable FM radios and listen to all the action on 90.3FM. You can also call the speedway at (905) 834-4002 or the speedway office at Cosco Haulage (905) 935-2886
Humberstone Speedway... Let’s Make Racing Fun Again