@VARACBoD • @CTMPOfficial • @VARACCHGP • BOWMANVILLE, ON (June 15, 2015) – Don't miss participating in the annual favourite of the Canadian Historic Grand Prix! The CHGP Field of Dreams Car Show welcomes all classic and exotic cars to the infield of Corner 8 at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park all day on Father's Day, Sunday June 21, 2015.
Special admission rates to the entire CHGP event on Sunday of $20 per car (as opposed to the regular $20 per person) apply to all cars participating in the Field of Dreams car show. Simply bring your classic or exotic car to CTMP and let the gate know that you're participating in the Field Of Dreams car show, then drive on up and park on the infield of Corner 8. Spend your time admiring other cars, watching historic races and meeting new friends.
At noon – a $10 registration will get you a VARAC commemorative dash plaque and a couple of parade laps on the fantastic Canadian Tire Motorsport Park Grand Prix track!
The schedule of activities for the weekend can be found at canadianhistoricgrandprix.com/2015-chgp-schedule/
For more information, please contact CHGP director bob.deshane@varac.ca